Day 361: Flashback

Today and tonight, most of my time was consisted on flashbacks. First it was videos; looking through and uploading old tapes to my computer for my dad's football project was the main idea, but I stumbled into a few random shots along the way. The Commander Baker game, old athletic banquets, and even my brother's "High School Musical" play from middle school was hidden in there somewhere. It made me want to go through all of my old home videos and upload them to the computer, getting to watch those bad boys would truly be hilarious. Secondly, I went through tons of old photo boxes to find the perfect pictures for my graduation slideshow. Erin said she had found tons of pictures from when she was younger, so I had to make sure that I got my cute baby pics in there too! I looked through pictures starting from 1995 all the way to 1998, and I must say that I was a pretty cute kid in a pretty cute family! Throughout these past eighteen years, my family has always been there for me; through the good times and the bad. It seems to me that no matter how serious we tried to be, we just couldn't help but be silly! Growing up in my family must have been a blast, I wish I could remember the younger years more! Now that I'm truly growing up and moving out - there's only one group of people I'd like to say has shaped me into the adult I am today, the Muller family. It doesn't get any better than this :)

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