Day 352: Lost

Today was my first technical graduation party of the year, for Brooke Ballew! She held a ladies' brunch at the Warren's house, which I must say was definitely fancy! There were finger sandwiches, pita chips and hummus, and even some precious fruit tarts. It was all so fine and dainty, I felt the need to hold up my pinky while I ate and drank! Sometimes dressing up and acting like a lady is just what my friends and I need. Otherwise, we're pretty manly!

After all the lady-like shinanigans, I was definitely a little tired. When I'm in the mood for a nap, that's all I want to do. About ten times today when I tried to lay down, SOMETHING stopped me. The worst was when I finally fell asleep, and my phone started ringing. Erin was calling me, and wound up telling me she was coming to pick me up so that we could pick up my stranded mother at the Galleria Costco. She had gotten there by hitching a ride with Erin's mother, Brenda, but Brenda got called in to see a patient, and had to leave my mom. Therefore, Erin and I had to go get her. Once we got there, we told my mom to come outside, only to find out we were at the WRONG COSTCO. Now not only was I tired, but grumpy because we were lost. Eventually we made it to the right location, and decided that if we were going to take all this time getting here, we were going to make a quick run through for some free samples! Nothing like a good piece of Lemon Bar to pick up my spirits :)

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