Day 336: Terrific Two!

Tonight I babysat for a new mom, Mrs. Klein! She's on of Maggie's neighbors and she happened to meet me at the neighborhood crawfish boil last weekend, so she thought that if I could handle the Singleton's I could handle her little babies! She and her husband were going out for the night to watch their son Jacob's baseball game, and they wanted to be able to actually watch the game for once, if you know what I mean. She has a set of twins that are two and a half, and I got to watch them tonight! Caden and Addison were seriously the cutest little kids I have ever babysat. We played cars, wore some crazy hats, and even made some sweet beats with their music machine. But our favorite thing of all was playing racetrack with their little scooter buggie. We turned the downstairs into a giant track and I would have them take turns sitting in my lap while we zoomed around the kitchen and the foyer, it was so much fun - even for me! It was no surprise to me that the kids didn't want to go to bed on time - if I was having that much fun I wouldn't want to go to bed either! The Klien kids are stinkin' adorable, and I would babysit them again in a heartbeat!

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