Day 339: THIS IS HOW WE... sleep.

Unfortunately today was the day that we all had to leave the beach house :( The house that had hosted the most fun we've ever had together in high school had to be cleaned up and locked up... but none of us wanted to leave! This weekend had been the craziest time ever, and I wouldn't doubt that every single person who came this weekend had the time of their lives. Leaving the house was like leaving Disney World, it was so sad to go! Our time was due though, I think everyone left was definitely draggin. After saying our final goodbyes to the house and the beach, everyone piled up in the burb, and we hit the road. The ride home (at least for me, the driver) seemed so much longer than most. I guess I was ridiculously tired because I swear if that ride were any longer I would've fallen asleep at the wheel. When we finally got home, we all decided that it was definitely nap time. I came home and immediately went to my parents' bed to lie down... which turned into an eight hour nap. I guess after all that partying and staying up late and driving... I could use a nap. Too much partying means too much sleep to catch up on!

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