Day 341: Still Kickin'

"This is How We Do it" just will not die. Not that I want it to by any stretch, because it is way too much fun to stop! Seriously though, it has caught like wildfire wherever I go; people who weren't even there and people who don't even know us are saying it! Even the teachers have seen some of our prom music videos... how could they not? We're hilarious! Today for a small senior prank, the boys were hilarious and made over a hundred paper airplanes that said "This is How We Do it" on them. When everyone was changing from 6th to 7th period, the paper airplanes were released and were flying everywhere! When one first hit me in the head, but when I picked it up and read it, I couldn't help but crack up. I think that everyone will be screaming as they cross the stage on graduation day, "THIS IS HOW WE DO IT!"... including myself!

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