Day 348: El Banquete Uno!

Because I am a senior, all of the honor societies I'm involved in are requiring me to come to end of the year banquets. It's when the officers plan to not only pass on the torch to next year's coming in officers, but also to celebrate the seniors' finishing their work with the club. Over the past couple of years, SNHS has really taken a toll on me, and vice versa. If there were an award for most complicated/troublesome/problematic member... I promise you I would have gotten it. Throughout the problems turning in my hours, coming to the meetings, getting the emails, and attending socials.... I honestly can't believe that I actually did it and completed the club. I can't believe that I honestly and truly am done with SNHS! Without my sister, Kelsey Wingert, Melinda McClure, Justin Green, and a few others... I honestly don't know how I would've done it. SNHS.... Spanish National Honor Society..... Spaniards Nagging Highschool Students.... hahaha. Whatever it is, it's done. It's over. As they say in Latin America... soy finito!

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