Day 326: Biddy B and the Bowlers

Day two of TAKS week was a definitely A+ SUCCESS. Waking up at 10:30 was the first perk of the day, and it definitely gave way to a good start. By late night, my friends and I knew that in order to celebrate TAKS week right, we had to go out at night - things that don't happen on an everyday basis! After much contemplation, we came up with the most ingenious idea ever - late night bowling! I don't bowl very often, so it's fair to say that well... I'm not the best player out there. I sarcastically brag that I'll bowl a 200... when I really have a max score of maybe 70. Regardless, bowling is always so much fun! This time even the employees were having a ball with us dancing the cupid shuffle, giving us free cokes, and one lady even pushed erica! It was definitely a wild night. It may not be the craziest thing we've ever done, but it's fair to say that tonight definitely "got the ball rolling" for a crazy TAKS week!

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