Day 362: I Survived

Today was the second to last day of high school ever! Now usually on the last day of school, it's been a tradition to swim at Savannah's house; we've done it for the past couple of years. However; we all have plans tomorrow for the last day, so we had to make the swim party today! Of course we had to somewhat follow the tradition senior year, what else! As usual, it started off with mostly girls. Guys are usually busy after school doing their "manly" things, too busy to hang out with the ladies... so they always show up "fashionably late". The girls don't ever mind, we have more important things to do like tan and talk about the guys while they aren't there ;) I honestly can't believe that this is the last time all of us will have an "after school hang out", let alone a school night! College has crept up on us faster than I could even imagine it would, and I honestly don't know where the time has gone. All I can say is that after all of these years, I am going to miss this high school life. I'll miss my friends, living with my family, seeing all these familiar faces everyday. Whether I like it or not... I'm growing up!

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