Day 351: "I Have an Announcement!"

Today was a crazy day! It started off with one thing I expected to be - La Tomatina. It was a social event with SNHS at Pecan Park, and it was designed to represent the event that goes on in Spain every year, where all the people throw tomatoes at each other! Well, we didn't have any tomatoes so we went for the next best thing... water balloons! In an old-school dodgeball fashion, the girls and boys lined up and charged at each other with as many balloons as we could carry! The balloons that took hours to make were all popped within five minutes. I think in the end, the girls definitely took the championship!

Later tonight was a girl's night! All the girls - except Victoria - headed over to Kate's house for a night full of fun. There was some wild dancing, hilarious stories, and some extreme facebook stalking. We even got to fit in a late night Whataburger run, which really hit the spot! We danced the night away to Kate's game, "Dance Central" because sometimes... girls just need to dance! We've only got a few more weeks of senior year to have these girls night, so we made sure that it was the most fun, girly, crazy, sappy night ever. To quote Jason Aldean, "We talked and drank and danced and said goodbye. We laughed until we cried". <3

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