Day 360: Catching Up

Today was a day full of catching up. It started out with sleep. After this crazy three day weekend, I definitely needed to catch up on my sleep. Even though my family all woke up early today, I slept in until one. That's pretty late for me, considering the usual early time I've been waking up lately! The second thing I caught up on was tv shows. Lately, all I've been doing is watching Desperate Housewives on Netflix, so I've been ignoring my DVR. I've been missing out on almost every single show I watch, and I realized that I needed to catch up on all the new season finales! I finally got caught up on 90210 and One Tree Hill, my two favorites. I've been watching these shows for years, so I just coulnd't go on without them. :) Third thing I caught up on was this blog. I've gotten into the bad habit of putting it off for a couple of days, and then just updating on multiple days (one time even a couple of weeks) at once. This is my last week of my 365, and I'm making a promise to myself. No more catching up, It's all getting daily updates from now on. I've come to realize that it truly is crazy that I have only five days left! My the time flies by....

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