Day 357: Salsa?

Thankfully, tonight was the very last thing I will ever have to do with a club at Austin High School... an SNHS social! I feel like these last couple of weeks have been filled with getting my club hours and socials done, and after tonight I am finally finished for LIFE! The social which was supposed to be an after school movie was moved to tonight as a dancing under the stars social in Town Center! Since school was let out early for the kids exempt from their 6th period exams, we couldn't come back to the school after leaving, so they decided to change things up. I didn't want to go dancing alone, so I asked Mark if he would come with me! Usually, I would think that he would reject an invite to go dancing in front of a bunch of people, but he said yes! I was not only surprised, but thrilled that Mark was willing to spend time with me while making a fool out of himself :) We thought we were going to be salsa dancing, but we wound up learning how to "boogie"! Thankfully, Melinda, Justin and Andrea joined with us in learning how to do the swing, and even though it was a retro dance, we had a blast! I'm glad that even though we weren't the best dancers out there, Mark and I still had a blast dancing the night away!

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