Day 343: Angelica!

Today after school a bunch of girls got together at BJ's for some classy food, not the usual Friday Chick-fil-A fix! We kept reminiscing on the prom stories, the newest gossip, and of course - stuffing our faces with some amazing pizza and pizookies! Every time I go to BJ's, somebody gets pizza and somebody gets a pizookie - it's tradition! After eating, we headed over to the mall for some pretty rambunctious shopping. Somehow Erin, Victoria, and I convinced Kate to get her cartilage peirced, woohoo! Now she matches the rest of us :) After the mall, we all rushed home to get ready for the Austin Angels dance team spring show, Angelica! Every year the Angels create a showcase for all of their teams' and officers' hard work throughout the year, and every year it's so spectacular! Each dance truly takes so much time, it's unbelievable how much work the girls put in to this program - especially the Colonel Victoria Villereal. I'm glad these girls do it though because it makes for one heck of a show! This year was different than most - the theatre department didn't provide the announcers! Usually, that's the funny part of the show, so the Angels' managers had a lot to live up to. I was surprised, they did pretty good for their first time as a comedy act! The entire time - literally, before every dance - the girls and I would scream for Mariah Bryan. We've never really had a friend to cheer for on the dance team, but we've all become really close with her, so she was the sole receiver of our cheers! Her quirky faces definitely let us all know that she could hear us, and she was loving it! I know it was a pretty stressful ride, but all of the girls did so fantastic! I really couldn't have asked for a better senior show. :)

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