Day 350: Theifs

Tonight I did my very last volunteer opportunity in high school... ever! Every year I work at the Walker Station carnival, so I thought that getting my last hours of the year here would be a perfect way to end it all. When I got the the carnival, I expected to work outside in the humidity... like usual. I've historically been put in charge of selling food (which isn't that fun) so I figured I'd be doing something along the same lines. I was right... but also lucky! I got put in the only job that was inside the air conditioned building with Katlyn Jonas! Our job was very simple - to put popcorn into bags. So simple that after a while, it was pretty boring. We made about 100 bags, and no one was buying popcorn, so we figured that we could go out and venture out into the carnival! We got good, went to visit the face painting station, and Katlyn even got a free henna tattoo! I'd say it was definitely the easiest volunteer opportunity that I've ever had, and spending it with Katlyn and getting to fool around was the best part. At the end of the day, I'd say we definitely had the most fun out of all the volunteers there. Especially when it came to the popcorn! ;)

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