Day 344: The Dream Team!

Tonight was one crazy day. Good crazy and bad crazy... it happens to the best of us. First, Mark and I went to the movies on our first official date - hehe :) - to see "Fast Five". Because of the movie, Mark suddenly thought he was a street racer and insisted on trying to speed the entire way home and even joked about trying to steal cars. I am seriously dating a nut job. After the movies, we met up with our friends for a wild night out. Whatever we did tonight was the weekend following prom, so it had some pretty big shoes to fill. Prom was ridiculously fun, and we are all determined to make every weekend that much fun until we graduate! Tonight definitely hit the mark because the Dream Team - Erin, Savannah, and myself - was seriously UNSTOPPABLE. We played about 100 games (no lie) of flip cup and we probably only lost two, and those two were when we weren't paying attention... so they don't count! I think everyone and anyone at Austin High School (plus a few randoms from other schools) know who the Dream Team is, and they've been warned. Every opponent that faced the Dream Team tonight gets the same response from us; "If you played us... you lost!"

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