Day 359: On the River!

In order to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend properly, it was necessary that Erin, Victoria, and our Indian Princess friends get together at the Brook's river house on the St. Bernard! Since my family decided to be bums and not come, I rode up with Victoria! We got there later than we wanted so we missed the first tubing trip with the Cassani's, but we still made it one of the most fun days ever! We rode on the Rigsby's boat for a bit, then joined up with Kaitlyn and Erin for a little bit of tanning and tubing on Bob Brooks' boat! None of us had been tubing in a year - last memorial day weekend! When we were younger, we didn't have any problem holding onto a tube for hours, it was so easy! Nowadays, our out of shape selves have a difficult time tubing like we used to! Regardless of our weak arms, we still had an amazing time doing what we love :)

We only spent the day at the river however; we had to get back for the Engle graduation party! Kaitlyn was graduating from Austin High School and Lauren was graduating from the University of Texas, so they had a joint graduation party! The house was of course filled with some amazing cakes, food, and people! I had fun catching up with the older kids and hanging out with the young ones, and just having fun bonding with some loving people. I think we can all agree that our favorite part was the end of the night when we got to kick it and start a little party. We're crazy kids, and I wouldn't change a thing about anything we ever do!

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