Day 356: So Long DP 16

Today were my two final Banquets of the year... Mu Alpha Theta and Broadcasting! Both were right after school, so I decided to attend the one I was getting a cord for first... Mu Alpha Theta! Even though it was at the school, it was definitely better than the rest of the banquets I've been to this year! All of the seniors decided that the math geniuses in MAO definitely know how to get more bang for their buck! After about an hour of door prizes, drawing pictures, and eating some delicious food, I realized that I had to abandon my fellow mathletes and head on over to the broadcasting banquet at Mary's house! I got there in the nick of time, because Mr. Gardner was handing out his awards! After we congratulated the winners, Mr. Gardner gave us all back our original applications for broadcasting - videos included! Looking back on the year, I realized I have definitely developed some skills of learning how to make some better and funnier videos. We all swam in the pool, took some underwater pictures, and just hung out for the rest of the day. Broadcasting class may be filled with a bunch of random people, but getting to know them over the past year has been a blast. I am definitely going to miss my buddies in Dawg Pause 16!

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