Day 321: Last Stretch

Tonight's big event was one that came upon by accident. The girls and I were just hanging around bored on a Friday night, when we realized that a baseball game was going on at home. We weren't really doing anything else, so we decided to be spontaneous and head on out to the game! It was a home game after all, it's not like it was that far of a drive! After watching the boys run some bases around Dulles, we suddenly realized it wasn't just the last baseball home game of the year... it was our last home game of high school! Not just for baseball, for any sport! We didn't think it was that big of a game on our way up to the school, but after realizing just how monumental this game was, we became the most rambunctious fans in the stadium! The last home athletic event of our high school lives... it's a pretty big deal! I know I keep on reiterating about how much I'm going to miss high school events, but it doesn't get much better than hanging out with your friends on a friday night just watchin' a game!

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