Day 325: Let's Get Ready to Slumber

Today started off as any other normal Monday. I woke up at my usual time of 8:40 and went to school. I was bored throughout my classes, waiting for my teachers to finally realize that their students don't want to listen anymore. Once the bell rang at the end of the school day... the day entirely changed. Then marked the official beginning of TAKS week! On school nights, it's not usual for us to have sleepovers, or stay out late, or make plans to hang out together the next morning, but this week was different. Everyday for the rest of the week, seniors got to come in later because we don't have to take the TAKS test! Thank goodness the week has come, I was about ready to pull my hair out from all the lame work our teachers have given us, seniors definitely deserve a break! In order to celebrate, a couple of the girls and I went over to Savannah's house to paint our nails and gossip till the early morning! We even went for a late night Whataburger run - my first fast food since the beginning of lent! Even though it was pretty low key for a TAKS night, I can't wait to see what shinanigans we'll be getting into in the nights to come :)

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