Day 353: Downsizing. :(

Today was one of those days that I dread the most... cleaning days. As much as I despise them, I always bring them upon myself. I let things in my room pile up; things I don't need, don't use, or don't want... and they just sit there until it's too much stuff to handle anymore. It all started with the t-shirts... :( Over the years, I have always had a vast collection of t-shirts. At LEAST one in every color, and every size. T-shirts are pretty much all I wear, except for when I go out, so it makes sense to me to have so many. However, when they get overflowed, it gets a little out of control. After cleaning out my dresser today, I put about 100 shirts into a donation bag. I love my t-shirts, so parting with them is very sad. Some of the shirts I always though would make it to college just couldn't make the cut. :( After I cleaned out the t-shirts, I cleaned out the rest of my dresser and my entire closet. I wound up filling four bags of clothes to donate - I think that's my record. Even though my room looks so much more organized now, cleaning is always a painful process. Giving away clothes and cleaning things up are two of the most time consuming tasks, I'm surprised that my patience survived!

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