Day 345: Mamma Mia!

Today started and ended with one of my favorite things... celebrating! It began with Savannah and Maddi's pre-graduation crawfish boil. It was at the Shirley's house, who lived in a neighborhood out in Richmond with BEAUTIFUL houses. I seriously felt like I was driving around heaven the place was so amazing. Everyone there chowed down on some delicious and SUPER spicy crawfish - my first batch of the year! I know plenty of people that are having crawfish boils this year, but the first one is always the best, and I think that my mouth is seriously still on fire from those delicious litter critters! We couldn't stay for long unfortunately, because Diane and I had places to go. We had plans with my mom, Caitlyn Papso, and some other ladies to go see the production of "Mamma Mia!" at the Hobby theatre tonight! Diane, my mom, and I had been to the Hobby theatre earlier this year to see Wicked, so we were definitely excited to be returning. The tickets proved to be a good investment because the show was phenomenal. The music, the acting, the dancing... we couldn't help but laugh and sing along the entire musical! One particular part where one of the actresses slid off of the bed had us almost peeing in our pants! Mamma Mia was definitely a great musical - especially with my momma!

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