Day 331: Fun Photofetti

Tonight the Cassani's and the Muller's got together for some dinner at Willie's to discuss and plan Erin and I's Graduation party! The date of graduation is so soon, it's freakin' crazy. We decided that our party is going to be the day of graduation at Erin's house. Since we graduate at 9 A.M. (ridiculously early) on Saturday, we felt that Saturday evening sounded like a good time to crank out the troops to party! We settled on the food we're going to have, the pictures that will be displayed, the people we're going to invite, and even which dessert to serve. Erin and I really do know a LOT of people, so this graduation party is going to seriously be OFF THE HOOK. After dinner, Erin and I had to go back to my house to pick out some pictures to display at our party, so we got to looking through all the old pictures we have from elementary and middle school. We found some GEMS, I mean these pictures were freakin hilarious. I had forgotten how funny we both were as children, I guess that's why we're such comedians nowadays :) Reminiscing on old pictures had us laughing the entire night, we were some pretty good looking people. It's hard to believe we've known each other that long, it's been 12 years! Through the best of times and the worst-looking of times, my friends can always keep my laughing!

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