Day 327: T-A-K-S

As TAKS week continues, my possy and I wanted to experience another night of going out. Savannah and I went over to Evan's to meet up with him and Logan to devise a plan for the night. On a spur of the moment idea, we decided that tonight - we were going to karaoke! Savannah and I searched for about an hour for a place to go when we finally found the perfect spot - Z Ice Barn right down Crabb River Road! We called up our friends to gather their best singing voices and head out with us for some true blue American Idol. Everyone was so pumped up about making a fool out of ourselves, until we got to the place. There was literally no one in the bar! It was such a disappointment that we had to miss out on such a good plan, but we were determined not to let the night go to waste. We convinced evan to have us all over for the night to stay up late and just hang out! Savannah, Erin, Mariah, and I were the only girls with all the boys and we were having a blast! We became cheerleaders, and spelled out the word "TAKS" with our bodies! We may not have got to sing our hearts out tonight, but Evan's house is never a downer!

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