Day 340: Dead

If there's anything in this world that I seriously just don't get how to fix, it's cars. I feel like they're so many things that can go wrong with them and I just have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to fixing the problem. Usually, I call my dad or my friend Abdo when I have car trouble, because those two always know what to do. Tonight, thankfully, it wasn't my car that was having trouble... it was Mark's. We went out for some ice cream and when we were about to leave and go back home, it just wouldn't start! He got so frustrated and couldn't stop pouting... it was actually pretty funny. I couldn't help but crack up because when boys get pouty it's just hilarious! He didn't think his car dying was that hilarious, but hey, it takes less muscles to smile than to frown :) When his dad and uncle came to the rescue, they got the car to work with a simple jump, that easy! Mark being a drama queen was a little over the top, so when we finally got his car working I got him to simmer down and thank his dad. Sometimes, boys can just be little drama queens!

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