Day 342: Foiled

Tonight was an absolute epic fail. Erica's been feeling a little stressed out lately, so Savannah and I came up with an amazing plan to kidnap Erica after work and take her to dinner, so she could have some fun with just the girls. She was supposed to get off at 7:30, so we got there at 7:25 so we could have a stakeout. When we texted her asking how work was, she responded by telling us that she was mad because she was going to get off later than usual. In order to kill time, we went into Randall's and bought her a card. When we got out, we drove by her work and Erica was GONE. In a matter of ten minutes, she literally disappeared. We went to her house to see if she was there... but we had just missed her. :( Our plan was perfect, but it was all interrupted by lame Nick Winter who kidnapped her just minutes before us. We couldn't waste a perfect night, so we decided to go out to dinner at Pei Wei by ourselves, our treat for at least attempting an awesome kidnapping. It wasn't exactly the dinner we planned, but as my fortune cookie said, "Getting together with old friends brings new adventures." :)

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