Day 347: Beard on the Wall

Coach Byrd and his economics class are getting less and less bearable as the year has started to wind down. Luckily, instead of listening to some boring lectures for the last couple of weeks, he decided to give us a class project. We got into group and were told to make up a puppet show that covers anything about economics. My group - consisting of Kaitlyn, Cale, Logan, and myself - was bound to get no work done until last minute. All of us just couldn't stop joking around when we had class time to work on it! Today while messing around in the hallway, I found a treasure stuck to the bottom of my shoe. A stick on beard that was left over from the last time I wore these shoes, at Mustache bash! I pulled off the beard, stuck it to the wall of the hallway, and announced to everyone that there was a beard on the wall. People passing by would take second glances and one even screamed because they couldn't distinguish the fuzzy patch on the wall. Our group couldn't stop laughing because out of our joke arose an ingenious song called "Beard on the Wall". The rest of the class period we made absolutely no progress on our project, but we made sure that we took a picture for the cover of our new band's CD... Beard on the Wall!

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