Day 333: Failure

For the entire semester, I have been putting off doing my club or "family" hours for all of my organizations, especially Spanish National Honor Society (SNHS). Out of all of my hours so far, I have only gotten one out of five family hours for the whole semester. Needless to say, I needed to sign up for some events and fast! First semester I went to Bethel a couple of times and I really did enjoy it, it was just the drive that took a bit of time. Today I signed up for Bethel because well, it's a Tuesday and there wasn't much else going on and I needed my hours! I made sure I brought my hour sheet in the car and left about thirty minutes early in order to get there on time. I actually had to speed a little bit because of all the traffic! When I turned onto 5th street however, sometimes was out of the ordinary. Usually the entire street was FILLED with cars waiting in line outside of Bethel. Today, there was no line, there wasn't even one car. I was so confused! When I pulled up to Bethel, I realized no one was there, so I called my friend (also an SNHS officer) Nakul. He reminded me that although Bethel was on Tuesdays first semester, it was now on Thursdays. I was two days early! I definitely felt like a dummy and a big gas waster! I guess I'll be back in two days...

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