Day 87: Let's Get it Started

Today we had the senior Young Life meeting at the office and it was amazing! This year, Austin High School for the first time in I don't know how long is separating itself from Clements and combining with Travis and Kemper high to have our own Young Life! Tonight it was seniors only and we were planning on laying out how the rest of the year is going to look. I met a couple of new leaders like Mat and Mike, who are both very awesome and I can't wait to bond with! There weren't a lot of seniors, but it was definitely a great group of people that I am so excited to work with this coming year. John talked to us for a long time about making Young Life the "cool" thing to do at our schools, and making sure that people are fired up about wanting to come to club every week. He wants to see us bring hundreds of people this year, and I know that all of us definitely got pumped up enough to believe that we can do it! I hope that this year, I do the best possible job that I can at being the AHS, THS, and KHS president, and I hope I am able to spread my love for Young Life to all those that I can. It's a great way to be involved with not only your friends, but with God as well and I just can't wait for this year's turnout to have the same experience as I have!

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