Day 106: Girl's Night In

Tonight, Katy, Anam, and I had a girl's night at Anam's house! Kaitlyn was supposed to come.... but she couldn't make it :( It was super fun, we all wished that she could have been there! We wound up going to sonic and grabbing some good fast food and some delish slushies! The whole way there and back we jammed to my "Party Animal" CD that I got from the LMFAO concert! We all loved it so much, we just wanted to dance so we decided to take it out and bring it in the house for a dance party! Anam asked me and Katy to teach her how to dance, since homecoming is coming up! Haha it was hilarious, we were just dancing around Anam's house like crazy people. Over the course of the night, Anam got a little silly. She even bit me THREE times because she was "in the biting mood". Hahahaha I love that girl to death, she is one of my very best friends on this planet! After getting crazy, we got a little tired and we started to wind down. Within about 15 minutes of pillow talk, we all fell asleep! It was an exciting, crazy, tiring, Girl's Night In! :)

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