Day 91: Fans for Life

Today was the second football game of the season! Erin, Jamie, Victoria, and I wore our shirts that we made yesterday and surprisingly, we got more comments on these $3 shirts than the $15 ones we made and ordered online! I definitely felt pretty proud that people loved our creative shirts :) Before the game today, Erin, Jamie, and I met with Nicole and John up at the Young Life office to talk about next week's Senior-Sophomore meeting and the next two clubs. Planning everything definitely made me very excited to get the clubs up and going! I know that people are going to have just as much fun as I will :) The game tonight - unfortunately - didn't go as the bulldogs had hoped :( We lost 27-7 to Manville. It was pretty upsetting watching the boys get upset, because it made all the fans upset as well. Win or lose though, we all love our football boys, and we're sticking to the end!

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