Day 113: Rain is a Good Thing

Tonight we played Kempner in football at Mercer! We were really hoping for a win, but unfortunately we still haven't got there. :( This time Erin, Mark, and I all put "#46" on our selves because we were reppin' Matt Guti for his birthday! We even cheered a Happy Birthday chant for him! Most of the time, however; the fans just weren't being spirited enough! We tried to start a couple of cheers, but they didn't always catch on. After a while, I decided I wanted to get the student moving, so I jumped over the fence and got on the sideline area with Josh and Jewel and tried to get the kids moving! It worked for only some of the cheers, at least it was better than the lame cheering before! Soon after though, it was halftime and the Kempner band took the field. About a minute into their song however, a man got on the loud speaker and said that there was a delay do to the weather and asked the Kempner band to get off the field. All of a sudden, the band awkwardly stopped and walked off the field, it was hilarious! We didn't get much time to laugh tough, it started pouring within seconds! Erin, Mark, Victoria, Sevon, Jamie, and I ran under a brick cover and tried to wait out the rain. It didn't stop though, so we eventually left and went to Chick-fil-a. After a couple of minutes there though, we got a call and the game was back on! We dashed back and stayed for the rest of the game till the very end. We didn't pull out a win unfortunately, but we still cheered like crazy fans! After the game, we hung out at Jamie's for a little bit where her parents played a trick on us that was hilarious!

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