Day 105: Kaitlyn's Surprise!

Tonight the Engles, Katy, and I planned Kaitlyn's 18th surprise birthday party at her house! After her birthday yesterday, she definitely thought that her birthday was over - doneskies. But man was she wrong! Her parents took her out to dinner, and Katy and I went over and set everything up! We got everyone to park down the street and when Kaitlyn walked in she was TOTALLY surprised we were there! She was so happy, and Katy and I felt so special :) Then the party got started! We got to some dancing, we swam for a bit and ate some of the delicious death by chocolate cupcakes that Mr. Mike made! After a couple of people, most of the pals, Amber, Taylor, and I got in the hot tub and we played a silly game of truth or dare. Ashkahn was definitely the funniest one, he is willing to do almost anything! After a little while, some more people came back to join the party once again and we decided to take our game upstairs into shannon's old room. we all laid down on the ground and turned the lights off and acted crazy. We weren't even doing anything specific, but Mark was singing haha. Needless to say, it was a crazy night! I was so happy that I surprised my best friend for her 18th birthday, happy birthday Kaitlyn! :)

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