Tonight I went to the fair with Erin, Erica, and Cale! Matt Guti was supposed to come with us, but he skipped out which was totally lame, cause we had a blast! The ride there took forever, we were in the car for over an hour and the fair grounds are only like 15 minutes away! It was ridiculous! When we finally turned off of 59, it was crazy but Kate wound up right behind us! We wound up getting out of the car multiple times in the stopped traffic to go talk to them because our car wasn't moving at all. Finally after all the waiting however, we got to the fair! We met up with some more friends, rode some rides and listened to some awesome music at the Randy Rogers concert. The funhouse - by the way - was not fun. So not worth the three dollars! At the end, we were all super tired and very ready to come home and relax! But before that could happen, of course we had to stop at What-a-burger and get breakfast burritos. :)
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