Day 89: Puppy Love

Honestly today I didn't do much. It was definitely one of those lazy days. When I got home from school, I watched "The Bachelor Pad" episode that I had missed monday night, which was two hours long and was AMAZING. I love that show, even though it's a little messed up I still love it so much! After that, I planned on working out for the first time in FOREVER, but my dad had other plans. He wanted me to go with him to pick up my brother from football practice so that I could meet the new head coach Dan Schreiber. I went to talk to him about the football shirts that I made, to make sure that he likes them and would allows us to wear them! He is the star of the shirt, and he was definitely flattered about them. I can't wait to wear them, and I'm definitely SO excited to have him as our new football coach because he is a great guy and a great coach and he will make our team successful! After the meeting with him, I went home and watched "Another Cinderella Story" with Selena Gomez in it. It's such a cheesy movie, but I couldn't help myself, I love movies like this one :) After the movie, I celebrated Ginger's birthday by buying her and Tucker doggie ice cream :) These dogs are so spoiled, but it's okay because I love them and I always will. I definitely have puppy love!

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