Day 95: The Black Eye

Today after school, Tori Watts came to Austin so that she could be in Josh, Riley, and my video for broadcasting! We waited around a little to see if Riley could do it with us, but she had to go auditions for theatre so we just had a practice day without her! While we were walking through the cafeteria, I was walking right next to Josh when I got a text message. I looked down at my phone and stopped for a second so that I could text. When I started walking again, I was a little behind josh, but still next to him. At the moment I looked up from my phone, Josh had seen somebody he wanted to high five, so he drew his fist back at full force, punching me right in the eye. It was an accident, but MAN it hurt! Right afterwards, I asked Tori what it looked like and she said, "It kinda looks like you have a worm in your eye." Not the best words I wanted to hear... I've never had a black eye before due to a punch in the face, so this is definitely a first!

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