Day 96: Doin' it for Dawg Pause

Today, Josh, Tori, and I actually filmed our video! Christa and Davis starred in it as well. :) We spent a little time after school shooting everything so that I could give it to Riley later to edit. After school, I went with Anam to the Halloween store so that I could see what I wanted to be for Halloween! I've wanted to be Lady Gaga, but they don't have any of the outfits I want in stores and I don't want to buy online because I don't know what it will fit like, so those dreams were crushed. Instead I just tried on a bunch of different outfits, but still could make no choice. At the end of the day, I still needed to keep looking! After coming home, I went over to Riley's so that I could give her the footage she needed to edit the video, but it uploaded wrong so we couldn't use it. Instead, we had to go back over to my house so that we could re-upload them and finally get things right. After that, we spent a long time editing our video and making it perfect and we finally finished it. When we tried to export it to a flash drive, the video wouldn't go onto it. We got pretty frustrated because our video was honestly not that big, so the jump drive was just being stupid. Finally we gave in and put it onto a CD to bring in tomorrow so that we could air it on the news! It was a stressful day for our first broadcasting video but I am so proud of our outcome! :)

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