Day 101: Will Dance for Young Life

Tonight was the first official all-grade club for AHS, THS, and KHS Young Life! We passed out some flyers at school and tried to get anybody we knew to come on down to the new place - Duhacsek Park - and come hang out! Not a lot of people know where it is, so Katy and I stood by the entranced and danced for people to know where to come, which was hilarious :) I honestly had no idea what to expect, but the turnout was amazing! We had 56 people come to the first club which was waaaay more than I could have ever dreamed for first club! I was definitely excited to see all the new faces - and some old ones too! We started off with the body part mixer, then had a dance competition, which Jake Mays won! I was so happy for him because I'm the one who asked him to come! I was thrilled by everybody telling me about how much fun they had and that they can't wait for next week, it really did make my heart happy! Also, I met a couple of new people from Kempner than I am so excited to get involved because it's their first year ever!

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