Day 117: Black out and Kate's birthday!

Today was blackout day at school which normally is on friday, but it didn't really matter to me, as long as we got to do it! Some kids on the other hand were not exactly "fans" of not wearing black on friday, so they attempted to change the spirit days, but it was just a fail. Most of the student body was wearing black, so they didn't look too smart. I put on my famous "Muller" stickers that I wear every year, because I love that they can say my name! Well, they're actually football stickers for the athletic brand "Mueller", but I black out the extra "e" with a sharpie so it can say my name :) By today, most of the students began to get involved with spirit, so it was super fun. At night, some girls and I went to Amicii with Kate and her mom to celebrate Kate's upcoming birthday! Her dad won an Amicii's gift card that was expiring soon, so we decided to celebrate a couple weeks early, hehe :) Since we had so much money, we had a lot to spend so we got a lot to eat! The food was all delicious and definitely a fun place to get dressed up :)

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