Day 126: Dodgeball!

Today we had our annual charity school dodgeball tournament for breast cancer! Our team this year was pretty funny, we didn't even exactly have a name. I'm pretty sure we changed our name so many times that no one even knew what our actual team name was. We had matching shirts though, even if they were pretty ridiculous looking! We didn't get first place, but we did get 4th so I was pretty proud of us! Apparently we were underdogs, but I thought we did a really good job, go lokos! :) The only thing thing that was a pretty big downer was the "fun" about the tournament... the referee definitely did a good job at making us not happy about any of the game turnouts, even if we weren't the teams playing! It became way too out of hand and I feel like because of him, a lot of people wound up leaving the tournament angry. I wish that charity events like this could just be fun like they're intended, but some people just take it too seriously, and they like to rain on everyone's parade! Regardless, lots of money was raised for charity, so the tournament definitely was a plus in the long run :)

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