Day 141: What A Day!

Today started off pretty early. Around 5:15 am (a completely unnatural time for me) I woke up and started to get ready. Kaitlyn and I were going to Texas A&M to do a math competition with Mu Alpha Theta! Getting up early that morning was a drag, and we both thought that the bus ride was going to be a nap time, but once we got on wejust couldn't stop chattin' it up! Kaitlyn and I never get to see each other during the week so whenever we do, we just catch up on everything! Finally though, we arrived at check-in an we got our purple competing t-shirts. We had to wait about an hour for our test to start, and then we went in the testing room. When I got that paper, I literally thought to myself, "what the crap". I had NEVER seen questions as difficult as these ones, and I knew that I would totally get the answers wrong, so I just answered number 1 and doodledon the rest of my test! I actually started laughing during the test I thought it was so ridiculous. After test 1, Kaitlyn and I knew what to expect on test 2 so we just messed around the whole time. I mean who really wants to do math on a saturday?! Thankfully after test 2 we were finally released to go to lunch on Northgate where we met up with my sister! I hadn't seen Diane in a while so it was good reuniting. After lunch, we headed back to the Mays Business School for the award show (which was supposed to start at 2:00) and we ended up waiting around until 3:15! It was ridiculous! Kaitlyn and I took a little nap in our break, so once we got to the awards show, we were ready to hit the bus and head home. It was a fun trip, but we were ready for a break from all the math!

At night, it was the football team's last scheduled football game of the season against Clements, and I had been to every one so I knew that I couldn't miss the last. The entire season, Erin, Victoria, and I have been to every game cheering the boys on and hoping for that win. Last time AHS won a football game was my sophomore year homecoming, and that was just too darn long for me! I wanted to see a win before I graduated! Well, tonight was that night! The boys played amazing and they pulled out a win over Clements 36-31! It was awesome, the entire crowd - even the band parents! - stood up on the bleachers and cheered their hearts out as the boys played their best game of the season. I am so happy for them and I know that everyone else is as well! Way to go boys - you made us proud! Definitely one of the best days and nights of my entire senior year thus far!

Photo Credit: Susan Sternberg

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