Day 130: What's This Line For?

Today after school I was scheduled for some SNHS volunteering at the Bethel Ministry in Stafford. I've never been there before, and I didn't really know where it was, so Melinda and I went together! On our last turn to get there, we noticed that in the right hand lane there were tons of cars waiting in a line. We knew we couldn't wait in it because they seemed to be going nowhere, so we instead just drove past. There must have been hundreds of cars, and they were lined up for more than a mile! We were anticipating on where they were directed when all of a sudden we arrived at our destination, which just so happened to be where the cars were lined up! We walked inside, not knowing what to expect, and found a shocking sight. There were about 500 boxes stuffed with food sitting on the tables. It was amazing to see how many people donate food for others that need it. Being able to witness that there really are people out there that put other people before themselves was awesome. My favorite part of the volunteering was when Melinda and I agreed that it was definitely some of the most helpful volunteer work we've ever done. I definitely plan on doing it again!

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