Day 119: Red Seniors Love the Whataburger Queen!

Today was my final class color day in high school EVER, and I definitely wanted to do it big for senior year! I made shirts with Erin, Anam, Jamie, and Jordan that were bright and sparkly :) It's definitely my favorite class color shirt that I've ever made. To add the the redness, a couple of girls and I bought some red hair clip ins and put on some bright red lipstick which definitely looked cool. Everything around me was red, red, red, and I loved it all! Being a senior to me is fantastic, and I think it's without a doubt the best year for people to just go crazy and be happy with high school for once! I think the best color seniors could have worn is red, because it symbolizes courage and bravery. We've all made is past the first three years, and we've finally come out strong and on top, ready to face the scary world that will be ours once we graduate. It's been a crazy ride, but it's not quite over yet! Not to mention, studies show that women in red are said to be more attractive :)
Also tonight was the homecoming football game against Dulles and we almost won! It was by far the best game our boys have played and we should have won, but there were a couple of controversy calls that were definitely not to our benefit. It was alright though because the fans were proud of them for playing so well! Also, at halftime the homecoming king and queen were crowned! Savannah and Brelynn won, and they definitely got plenty of cheers :) I'm so proud of them! After the game, a couple of us went to Whataburger, including Katy. Even though Katy was on court, she didn't win and we wanted to make her feel special. When coming back to the table to eat, we had Mark escort her and Erin gave her a sash made of all of our receipts that read "homecoming queen"! It was hilarious, we kept calling her a princess and "the whatabuger queen" :) Even though Katy technically didn't win, she's still a queen to all of us! We love you Katy! :)

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