Day 127: OPA! It's Katy's 18th Birthday!

Today I had to finish my NHS hours at the Houston Greek Festival, for 6 hours! It was definitely a super long time to volunteer, but in the end it was totally worth it because A) I got my hours done, and B) It was a super fun event! I've never been to the Greek festival before, so I was definitely in for some surprises. Turns out, a LOT of people come to it! Almost a thousand people were there, I swear. I was so glad that the work seemed to go by quickly because 6 hours was seriously a long time. I met plenty of nice people, and I am definitely willing to work there again next year! After my shift, I wandered around the place a little bit so that I could see everything that was going on! I went into the crowded market place, the crowded eating area, and took a gander at the crowded show. Needless to say, the entire place was CROWDED! I really wanted to get a good Greek gyro, but the line to get one was about a mile long, and I just didn't have that kind of time! So I skipped out on the food and decided that after about 6 and half hours total, it was time to get out of there!

At night, we had a football game against Travis that we lost. :( Afterwards, some people went over to Katy's house for some delicious food (especially Granny's rolos!) and just some chill hanging out. Everyone had a good time, and I know I sure did :) After pretty much everyone left, Katy, Anam, Brelynn, Cameron, and I were watching TV in the movie room which made me pretty sleepy, and Cameron too! Cameron wound up falling into a dead sleep, and Katy drew on his face :) We all found out he talks in his sleep, pretty distinctively! Never have I seen someone sleep so deeply!

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