Day 124: Zacchaeus Get Down

Today was a miracle day. I walked into physics lab after my SNHS meeting, expecting to be there until 5. Physics labs take much longer than I would like them to, and it is just unfortunate. But today was different. I walked into lab and I saw Courtney and Andrea and joined their table. Literally, within five minutes we were done with the entire lab. THE ENTIRE LAB! I was so shocked I really wanted to cry because I was so happy. I had so much free time, it was ridiculous. I was going home almost an hour and a half ahead of schedule and I was very excited about it! Later tonight, Erin and I went to campaigners at Mat's house, which is much easier to find now that we've already been there. It was a very small group of just five of us, it was a little ridiculous. But it was still fun because we got some learning out of it! We learned about Zacchaeus and we talked about what was keeping us hiding in the tree. Getting us to come down is easy, but helping others is a bit more difficult. It's something we have to work on, but hopefully we all will be able to learn better throughout the year!

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