Day 316: Runaway Ralph

This morning was an abnormal morning... I woke up at 6:30 A.M.! Now I usually don't enjoy waking up early, sleeping in is one of my favorite things to do - that's why I took first and second period off! Today however I was waking up to do something else I enjoy, babysitting! Mary Elizabeth and her family were going to Tennessee for the weekend, but they weren't going to bring her youngest brother, Cameron. He was going to stay the weekend with a friend, but for the couple hours in between when his family left for the airport and when he needed to be picked up, it was my job to babysit! He was still sleeping when I got there, but it didn't take him long to wake up and get the party started! We watched some crazy wipeout episodes, played on the iPad, and attempted to take out his bunny, Ralph. I say attempted because it really never worked out. Ralph did NOT want to come out of his cage, and he sure did not want to be put in his harness and go on a walk outside! When he got out of the cage, he hid behind chairs, under beds, and in between couches so we couldn't get him! Ralph was a little stinker, but Cameron and I had a blast trying to catch the little rascal!

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