Day 307: Channel 2!

Today was one of my favorite days of the year... field trip day! Missing school is great, you don't have to go to any of your boring classes AND you're not counted absent, I think that's a pretty sweet deal. Today the Broadcasting kids and I all got dressed up in our best clothes and headed out to visit Channel 2, one of our Houston news stations. One of my favorite movies of all time is Anchorman, so being able to go behind the scenes and really see what being on the news is all about was so interesting! We got to look inside the control room, the news floor (where all the cubicle workers are writing the magic), the sound room, the editing rooms, and even got to go on set! We got lucky, just as we walked onto the news floor, breaking news had just come out that there was a car chase going on! Everyone was working hard, making sure that the news came out, it was pretty wild to see. After walking on set, we got to sit and watch the 11 o'clock news - LIVE! I mean, it's not Saturday Night Live, but being in a live studio audience for the first time was an experience that I was so excited about! I'm not sure about getting a career in journalism, but I'm always down for skipping some school! I couldn't help but put up all these pictures of Mary Elizabeth and I doing the weather, they're just too cute!

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