Day 311: Time Flies

The month countdown for prom has officially started. As bas as I feel for saying this, my one month tanning-for-prom membership started today! There's only a month left to prom... wow. When I try and vision a month in perspective, it seems like something that goes by so fast! I feel like just yesterday I turned 18, and that was two months ago. Two months from now I'll be graduating! Throughout my years, I have always heard from people that the older you get, the faster time flies. I should have heeded their warnings because it is true to the very core. I'm almost graduating high school and I feel like I just got started! Growing up, moving out, and separating from my friends... everything seems like it's a whirlwind, and it's not stopping anytime soon. I sometimes wonder what my life will be like a year from now. Will I have the same friends? Values? Outlook? Who knows what the future has to hold. But I better learn to hold on tight... it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

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