Day 301: Giving Blood, Giving Back

Today Austin High School hosted its second blood drive of the year with MD Anderson! Last time we had a blood drive, I was out of town. This time since I'm here, I was determined to make a difference! Ever since I heard that the Blood Drive was going to happen, I've been pretty anxious about it. The entire week I never signed up because I wanted to be able to decided the day of (I'm 18, I can do that now!), so I couldn't back out! I was seriously terrified all day long. I'm a baby when it comes to blood and needles, I can't stand them! I even get nervous when I have to get a flu shot for goodness sakes, how was I supposed to deal with finger pricks and IVs? Well, it was difficult. As soon as I sat in the nurse's seat, she picked up my pale, sweaty hands and she asked, "oh you've never done this before, have you?" I finally laughed and admitted that it was my first time, and finally just took a breather. I had to calm down a little bit, she pricked my finger, and after a few quick questions, I was off to get my blood taken. As soon as I got close, I saw that my best friend Anam was sitting in the bed right behind me! I was pretty excited, until I saw her screaming when the nurse was putting her IV in. I literally froze and almost started crying. I was already nervous, how the heck was I supposed to give blood after seeing that?! I laid down on the bed and seriously considered getting up and running out. I couldn't sit still, and all the nurses knew how nervous I was. When they came to put my IV in, I had to call my dad and have him talk me through it so that I wouldn't freak out so badly. After the IV was in, it wasn't so bad, but I still cried a little bit though because I was so freaked out. On top of it all, I was really lightheaded for the rest of the day because of the blood loss, I was definitely acting a little loopy! I saved three lives, but I almost lost my own due to a heart attack. Don't get me wrong, giving blood is such a great thing, but I'm just not sure it was good for my own heath!

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