Today I woke up and went to Katy Lowery's house to hang out with her and Jordan. It was pretty chill, I hadn't seen either of them in a while so it was fun to catch up with them for a little bit :) After I left Katy's, I had to go to Prestige to take my senior yearbook pictures, which took forever! My appointment was scheduled at 3 and I didn't even get to go in the back until 3:45, it was a little ridiculous. It was fun though, because I got to see some people I haven't seen in a while like Kayla Carter, Christy Wolterman, and Al Valdez! Definitely had some catch up talk with all three of them :) After senior pictures, Jamie Gigliotti came over for a while and we had some heart-to-hearts, I love that girl! She is a true beauty inside and out! We bounced on over back to Katy's for a little bit because HS Cribs was at her house, but we didn't stay for long because the Cassanis and the Bairs came over for a family dinner! Jamie, Erin, Diane, Sarah, and I all tatted ourselves up, maybe even a little too much :) After dinner, I invited a crew over to swim and get in the hot tub, which was great because I never use my pool! We all hung out and took some hilarious underwater pics! It was hilarious and definitely a good Muller household hang out :)
"Reunited and it feels so good"

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