Day 35: Party Friday!
Today was "dress-like-a-cow-and-get-free-Chick-fil-a Day"! I went with Mark to Chick-fil-a and I of course dressed up so that I could get a meal for free! When I got there, there were so many cows! Even a whole family, or should I say herd, dressed up including the parents! It was hilarious because the dad told the cashier that he was "udderly excited" about the dress up day. It was great to see how many people really get in the spirit for free food! At night, I had some people over to hang out and it was really fun! It was hilarious, the boys took their shirts off and I wound up cooking for some of my friends-I even made
Josh a breakfast burrito! This summer so far has definitely been the summer for lots of hangouts, because I feel like I am always with my friends and I love it! I have definitely become a lot closer with some people, and that definitely excites me for all of the times to come senior year. Summer of course is extremely fun and I never want it to end, but I feel like this summer is just a prelude of all the amazing times we're going to have throughout our last year in high school together. I love my friends, we may get a little crazy sometimes, but always know how to have a good time!

"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though they know that you are slightly cracked" - Bernard Meltzer
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