Fourth of July didn't start so hot, I had to work at noon. Nobody goes out to eat on fourth of july, they all cook at home or grill out. Needless to say, it wasn't busy. After work, I got to chill out for a little bit then went with my family to church. Afterwards, I went with my family, the Cassanis, and the Worts over to a house in Greystone Place to have a HUGE 4th of July Celebration! There was food EVERYWHERE, it was ridiculous! The Cassani girls, Diane, and I mainly hung around each other for most of the time because we didn't know very many people. There were probably around 200 people there, it was insane! Erin and I walked over to Raasel's for a little bit to hang out with him and see what he was up to for America's birthday. When it turned "dark-thirty" (thirty minutes after dark) the firework show began and it was amazing! It lasted for more than an hour, and all the fireworks were crazy awesome! I was so grateful that a couple of dads would spend so much money on entertaining their friends, they really put on a show. Fireworks really are beautiful, and even more so when you get to watch them with your family and closest friends. :)
It was also Mr. Rick's birthday, so he had a special hilarious light up hat with fireworks on it!

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